Wisecars, car rentals
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(Based on 10 000 customer reviews)

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Still have questions about wisecars?
We answered the most popular inquiries people have about us:
How does Wisecars work?
Wisecars is an online car rental broker. We will negotiate for good prices, present you the offer and help you with any questions or amendments. You will receive your car from a supplier company.
How are Wisecars' deals so cheap?
Wisecars works with car rental companies all around the world. We have years of experience with car rental.
Is Wisecars real?
Wisecars is very real. If you have doubts before using our services, contact us here.
How can I contact Wisecars?
You can contact our customer support via email, phone calls, Messenger, or Whatsapp. Here are the details.
What's Wisecars' cancellation policy?
You will receive a full refund if you request the cancellation 48 hours before the pick-up time. If you have bought the Wisecars Cancellation Protection and/or the Wisecars Protection Package you can cancel with a refund until 2 hours before the pick-up time and receive a refund minus the amount paid for the products.
Can I rent a car with a debit card through Wisecars?
You can use a debit card to book a car through Wisecars but the car rental companies terms might differ. Often credit card is mandatory. You will find this information under the supplier's terms on the offer page.
Wisecars approach on how to make use of customer feedback
How I learned that proper customer feedback is needed to grow your business: You'd be surprised how many variables there are with each rental. Some real magic happens when you've found your deal, filled in your details and pushed that final 'Book Now' button!